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Milos: Chasing the last heat rays of summer

You may be wondering: wait didn’t I hear about you going to Milos like months ago. Literally LAST YEAR. Yes, but better late than never, right? So, here’s the deets of our 4 day trip to Milos back in October. October is technically the “shoulder season”, but regardless, the northern winds can get ya even in the height of summer. So..windy but worth it. And also, it was like 80 degrees every day. So yes, go to Greek Islands in October. Even the ferry ride is not to be missed.

Getting around: reserve early or rethink your wheels

First things first, if you're planning on zipping around the Milos way, snagging a quad bike or buggy is the way to go. But hey, word to the wise, book that bad boy early, like, yesterday early. They are very in demand, especially during peak season. So, since we planned too late (a rare occasion for Amber, Queen of Plans) we booked a car with Auto Union, but let's just say a quad bike would've been the cherry on top for some off-roading beach access. There’s also what seems like an extremely cool, abandoned mine that you can only access by quad/buggy. Womp womp.

Also, DEFINITELY look into a boat tour. Many of the beaches are only accessible by boat, but unfortunately it was too windy to go out while we were there. Oh well, more reason to go back next summer! Any sailing friends wanna join (you know who you are)?!

Where to lay your weary heads: Kapetan Tasos — Pollonia

If you’re going to visit Milos, there’s only one place you should consider to rest your sunkissed (bring sunscreen people) head: Kapetan Tasos in Pollonia. Comfy beds? Check. Stunning rooms? Double check. Oh, and there's a beach (with a bar!) within stumbling distance? Sold.

Day 1: Tsigrado Beach and Plaka

We kicked the trip off with a visit to Tsigrado Beach. Sure, the only way down is a ladder (props to us for carrying the dog!), but trust me, it's worth it. Crystal-clear waters and it’s sheltered from the northern winds, so we really swam it up at this one.

There's a sneak peek of our film from the trip here. Check out the IG for more filmy pics.

As the sun began its descent, we moseyed on over to Plaka for some sunset serenades by the Venetian Castle and dinner at one of the many restaurants in town. With plenty of cats around to taunt Kefi. What fun.

Day 2: Papafragas Caves, Sarakiniko Beach, and Mandrakia Village

We spent the morning exploring Milos' hidden gem, Papafragas Caves, which was surprisingly cool and definitely worth a visit. Definitely kept the dog on a tight leash for that one.

Can you spot us?

Next up was the ever-so-famous Sarakiniko Beach. To call it just a “beach” seems belittling, since it’s obviously so much more. I mean LOOK at these photos (and even more on the Insta). Yes, it’s full of tourists, but it’s honestly so massive that we never felt overcrowded. And it really is insanely cool. Like very, VERY cool. Alexi even braved the cold waters and took a dip (and Amber now deeply regrets not jumping in too). And yeah, there's an abandoned mine, and yeah, it's creepy.

From there, we ventured into the quaint village of Mandrakia, home to the iconic Syrmata houses. Lunch at Medusa was incredible, both the views and the food.

And just when we thought we’d have the best food on the island, after a nice rest back at the hotel, we found dinner at Akrotiri "Seafood Obsession". A truly religious experience for our taste buds.

Day 3: Firopotamos Village, Klima Village, and Paleochori Beach

Day three saw us chasing the last heat rays of summer at Firopotamos. It ended up being too cold to swim at the gorgeous beach there (again, thanks to the northern winds, which Greeks even have a special name for: meltemi). But, it was well worth a stop just to see the picturesque village that had us reaching for our cameras at every turn.

Next stop? Klima, another Syrmata village straight out of a postcard–like literally, it’s the main feature of many Greek postcards. We meandered down the colorful seaside walkway, soaking in the charm and history with every step.

And again, because we NEED the sun rays, we figured our best bet was the literal thermal beach: Paleochori. This sprawling stretch of sand had Kefi in a frenzy, darting between beachgoers and making friends left and right. And yes, the thermal sands hot enough to bake fish (and your feet) are very real.

In summary: don’t sleep on Milos

Mykonos and Santorini might steal the limelight, but let me tell you, Milos is the real MVP. This is one Greek island we can't wait to come back to. Like every summer. Anyone wanna go in on a beach house together?


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